
What is true randomness?

True randomness is a concept in computer science and mathematics that refers to a sequence of numbers or events that are generated without any pattern or bias. Unlike pseudo-random numbers, which are generated using algorithms, true random numbers are generated based on physical phenomena such as atmospheric noise, thermal noise, or radioactive decay. These random events are unpredictable and cannot be replicated or influenced by any external factors.

How does tame.host do it?

Our API uses a hardware true random number generator that employs a "Modular Entropy Multiplier" architecture to generate true random numbers. This architecture takes advantage of thermal noise, which is a byproduct of the movement of electrons in a conductor, and transforms it into a stream of random bits. The entropy multiplier circuit amplifies this random signal, ensuring that the output has a high level of randomness. Finally, the output is fed into a secure USB key, which can be easily plugged into a computer to generate true random numbers.


True random numbers are important for many applications in computer science and cryptography. For example, they can be used to generate secure keys for encryption, to shuffle decks of cards in online games, or to simulate random events in scientific experiments. Pseudo-random numbers, on the other hand, may be predictable if an attacker can learn the underlying algorithm, and are therefore unsuitable for these applications. By using a hardware true random number generator, our API ensures that the random numbers generated are truly unpredictable and secure.

Example noise

Noise generated using true random numbers by tame.host

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<iframe style="width:170px;height:225px;border:none;" src="https://tame.host/embed/"></iframe>