True randomness is the kind of unpredictability found in nature, where outcomes can’t be precisely foreseen, even if we knew all possible factors. Imagine every atom moving around in a room; even a tiny change affects everything else. True randomness captures this chaos, driven by physical phenomena that defy patterns or repetitions.
In contrast, most computer-generated random numbers use algorithms, which produce pseudo-random numbers (PRNGs). PRNGs, though random-seeming, follow repeatable paths once started with a “seed” value, like a shuffled deck that reshuffles the same way each time. Real randomness, as found in nature, is different—no hidden patterns, no underlying repeatability. This is what makes true randomness ideal for applications where predictability is a risk, such as cryptography, security, and high-stakes simulations. At, we bring this level of randomness directly to you, backed by the natural unpredictability of physical processes.
We capture true randomness from the unpredictable energy known as thermal noise. This noise comes from the slight, constant movement of particles, the jostling and bumping that naturally happens at even the tiniest level. Our setup captures this unpredictable motion and directs it through a “Modular Entropy Multiplier,” amplifying the random signals and producing a constant flow of random values.
To ensure this randomness is as pure as possible, we add an extra layer of refinement called "whitening." Through Keccak (a process used in secure cryptography), we filter out any subtle biases or repeating patterns that may sneak in, leaving only the purest, most unbiased random data. This process ensures that each number delivers is not only unpredictable but also high-quality, making it suitable for security, research, gaming, and other uses where randomness truly matters.
True randomness plays a critical role in modern technology. It ensures that data encryption remains unbreakable, as predictable patterns can compromise security. This randomness is also invaluable for scientific simulations, where outcomes should mirror the unpredictability of real life.
Pseudo-random numbers, while useful, don’t offer the same strength in security or realism because they are mathematically derived and thus, ultimately predictable if one knows the formula and seed. By using the raw unpredictability of thermal noise, offers a more secure, unrepeatable source of randomness—bringing genuine chaos and spontaneity straight from nature to those who need it. In the gif below, you’ll see the raw noise we capture and refine, demonstrating how real randomness looks when generated naturally.
Noise generated using true random numbers by
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